
10 Features of Academic Writing Style

3 More Cool Tools For ACADEMIC WRITING
  1. Objectivity: Academic writing is objective, meaning that it is based on facts and evidence rather than personal opinion.
  2. Formal Tone: Academic writing has a formal tone, which means it is not conversational or casual.
  3. Logical Structure: Academic writing is organized in a logical way, with clear introduction, body, and conclusion sections.
  4. Use of Evidence: Academic writing uses evidence to support arguments and claims, such as research results or quotes from experts.
  5. Precision: Academic writing is precise, meaning that it uses specific language and avoids vagueness.
  6. Citing Sources: Academic writing requires the use of citations to give credit to other authors for their ideas and research.
  7. Avoiding Bias: Academic writing avoids bias and attempts to be as neutral and unbiased as possible.
  8. Use of Technical Language: Academic writing often uses technical language and specialized vocabulary that may be unfamiliar to the general reader.
  9. Clarity: Academic writing should be clear and concise, using language that is easy to understand.
  10. Consistency: Academic writing should be consistent in terms of style, formatting, and grammar.

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